Mike Stanisford



How often do you book time in your diary to have a meeting with yourself? Probably never. That was the case with me as well until I heard about this revolutionary idea many years ago from Mike Staniford who was then our Regional Creative Director.

Mike used to visit us in the India office of Landor a few times a year. We looked forward to his visits because he brought so much inspiration, energy, creative brilliance and insights to help us in our pursuit of creative excellence. Mike spoke of the importance of creating the right culture for creativity to flourish and the close partnership between the MD and the CD that is critical to produce the most extraordinary work.

On one of his visits we were complaining about how we have back to back meetings. This is when Mike shared that he blocks off time every day so client managers can’t fill up every available hour with meetings. He taught us the importance of regular time blocking for thinking/reflection/connecting the dots in order to take your creativity up many notches. I immediately put this into practice and have seen wonderful results and continue to do so. I keep encouraging my colleagues to do the same as well.

Have you tried time blocking? Has it worked for you?

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