R.K. Krishna Kumar



Can you deliver a presentation without the aid of your slides? I couldn’t until I had my first trial by fire with Mr. R. K. Krishna Kumar, a much feared and respected senior leader at the Tata Group.

A meeting with Mr. Krishna Kumar at his office in Bombay House was a grand production. Lots of nerves before, lots of anxious waiting, the stress of the meeting itself and the fear of the aftermath! The elegant tea service and banter with Daniel in his office provided some stress relief before game time. Also, when waiting in the antechamber, you never knew which Tata company CEO or senior exec you may bump into and strike up a conversation with.

One meeting we had Mr. Krishna Kumar was particularly rushed. He asked me to just close my laptop and walk him through our thinking on what Tata Tea could become given its global ambitions. I was gobsmacked but the adrenaline kept me going and I surprised myself at how easy it had been.

This event changed my approach to “building decks.” I write the whole story first. I make sure the narrative arc is strong and the logic holds up. Only then slides. I use them only if needed, especially in one-on-ones with key decision makers.

How do you approach presentations? Please share your tips!

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