Sangeeta Prasad



As leaders we tend to think we have all the answers. Actually, it's more important to ask the right questions.

I observed this first hand when Sangeeta Prasad was our client at Mahindra Lifespaces and we were working on a branding programme for one of their upcoming destinations. Sangeeta has this wonderfully inquisitive style of seeking clarity and elevating the discussion. Her questions made her team and ours think through matters much more deeply and bring a broad range of perspectives to the table.

I observed that Sangeeta's signature style of asking questions would build her team's decision-making muscles. If leaders always provide answers, they becoming the limiting factor to the organisation's growth. If you want to empower your team and enable fast paced growth, promote a culture of asking questions. It forces everyone to think beyond the status quo, challenge assumptions and help drive positive change.

What is your leadership style? Do you give more answers or do you ask more questions?

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